Lectio Divina for Lay People

A Podcast on how Lectio Divina can help regular folks pray and foster Christian unity.

I loved doing this podcast. Nathan Smith is so thoughtful. He asked questions that prompted me to remember and share things I have not yet said in public.

Tune in as he asks:

  • (2:40) – How was it that you made the choice to pursue this monastic journey?
  • (19:10) – What was it like living in a monastery? Help me to picture what you experienced.
  • (26:35) – Where does the practice of Lectio Divina come from? What are its origins?
  • (32:48) – What was the approach to Lectio Divina that the monks taught you?
  • (45:58) – How can the practice of Lectio Divina help to bridge the divide between Christians of different backgrounds?

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The Temple in Spirit and Truth

This is worship in the Spirit. This is communion in the Spirit. It is as when a small fire, being brought into the presence of a larger fire, joins with it.

The Father’s Robe

He places upon the soul, the glorious robe of a beloved child. A robe that sings of the Father’s love; and the child is covered in it. It is a divine embrace. It is an exchange beyond words. It is a candle coming up against and getting taken up into flame.

Do Birds Build Barns?

God has created a natural order in which birds can – through presence of mind, through attention in the present – find that which they need to subsist. . . and you are more than the birds.

The Jesus Prayer

The Jesus Prayer is a perfect prayer. It is simple; it is deep; and it lacks nothing. The Jesus Prayer makes of the heart a temple where Jesus comes to make His dwelling place.

The Lance of the Inner Monk

A Psalm from the heart makes any place a temple. It is a vertical lance, a spear cast toward heaven, a single firework shot straight to its target in the heart of God.  

The God of the Living

And here is where it really hit me. I have just lived through the process of Lectio Divina, in real time.

A Priest in Bemerton

The essence of the priesthood is love. And therefore priesthood is of the essence of life.

The Defiant Prophet

If God made of Jonah so powerful a prophet, a prophet who twice said no to God, what could God do with us if we learn to always say yes?

Crooked Things in Crawley, WV

“Jesus led them out into that boat, Maddie,” I tell her. “He wanted them to experience that storm. It seemed like he was sleeping in the midst of it; but really he was waiting for them at a deeper level. . . “

Touched By Fire

An ember from God’s throne is a material element that is on the way but has not yet been transmuted into flame. It is, we might say, both matter and fire; or, we might further say, it is both matter and spirit.
